Week 11 - Art Activity - Day In My Life

- Why did you choose what you did?
- Are you satisfied? Did you notice anything that you never thought about?
- If you were to do this again, would you do it the same way or a different way? 

So I chose to do a Day In My Life because I'm always sending my best friend Snapchat with every little update or just something that I want to show her throughout the day. But, since I can't send my professor Snapchat (lol) I decided it would be easier to write the major things on a piece of paper and add side details. I'm not completely satisfied, I like my usual Snapchat mentioned of telling a story. But this does get the point through. Since it's summer I thought I don't do much and am being lazy, but after looking at this list, I must say I do a lot in a day whether I want to or not. If I were to do this again, I most likely will not do a paper DIML and probably do a vlog version. But I did have fun doing this. 


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