
Showing posts from May, 2021

Week 1 - Artist - Elora Jean and Emma Chamberlain

  Compare and contrast – discuss how each artist works. What is their content? What are their goals? How do you perceive them? What do their YouTube channels have in common? How are they different? How do you experience them? Do they seem authentic? Do you feel like you know them? Do their videos seem performative? If you were going to start a YouTube channel, would either of them be a model for you? How would your channel be similar or different from theirs? What would your focus be? What would your goals be?  Emma Chamberlain - My first opinion about her is that she is all over the place (this opinion was made a few years back when I first stumbled upon her). But she was very relatable when I stumbled upon her, she made people aware that not everyone has their life figured out, but that does mean they're a failure.  Elora Jean - My first opinion about her was, who is she? I had never heard of her before, but realistically I probably wouldn't have, since I no longer watch yout

Week 1 - Activity- Vlogging