Week 3 - Artist OTW

Show a few samples of their work and discuss what they’re doing, how they work, and why you find it interesting. Compare and contrast your artists. What things do they have in common? How are their ideas or processes or media different?

Eduardo Kac -


The GFP bunny - he took a rabbit and implanted it with a green fluorescent protein found in jellyfish, when it was placed under a blue light would glow bright green. He made this piece to show that the nature of an animal or plant can be altered. I found this interesting because he wanted to show that if life is more than just what nature makes, it can be changed without harm.


Genesis - he implanted base pairs of genetics into an unspecified bacterium. This piece of work was to make a statement about inherited change is not the only option. I found this interesting because most of his work involves change that can be done besides inheritance. 

Stelarc - 

Illustration for article titled 7 Bio-Artists Who Are Transforming the Fabric of Life Itself

In this piece, he had his body be controlled remotely by electronic muscle connected to the internet. His work involved the human body and how technology extends the capacities of the human body. I found this piece interesting because it looks painful and I wonder how long he endured it. 

Illustration for article titled 7 Bio-Artists Who Are Transforming the Fabric of Life Itself

In this piece, he built an arm that was controlled by signals sent by electrodes from various muscles in his body. I found this piece interesting he wants to make bigger use of the human body. 

Both - 

They both want to change something that is already made a certain way, but what they want to change is different. Kac is more on the animal side, he believes that they can be improved without having to wait for generations. Whereas, Stelarc believed that the human body could be modified to the best use. 


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