Week 12 - EC - Class Feedback


1. The best thing about this class was the fact we only had two assignments throughout the whole week and could work on them whenever we had the chance. 
2. The least favorite thing about this class was sometimes the assignments where we had to be creative and think on our own, it was easier when he gave us topics. 
3. My number one suggestion would be to keep doing what you're doing because this was one class where I was stressed every day. 
4. Yes the integration of BeachBoard with the class website worked for me. 
5. I didn't mind posting my work but sometimes when the post had like five views I wonder who viewed it. 
6. The weekly activities were entertaining.
7. I think you should add more recent artists because reading about some of them was boring.
8. The useful section was useful because it gave me a better understanding of what you were asking or talking about. 


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